About Us

The Solebury Township Historical Society was founded in 1981. It is a non-profit, federally tax exempt organization committed to preserving the rich history of Solebury Township through research, interpretation, and education.


The Solebury Township Historical Society is dedicated to the preservation of Solebury Township’s world renowned historic and artistic heritage.


The Solebury Township Historical Society’s resources include preserved archives, oral histories, publications, its ca. 1755 schoolhouse headquarters. Our greatest resource is an active membership, the people who work to educate, promote and encourage an appreciation of Solebury Township history. The board of directors and membership volunteers reach out to individuals and businesses in our surrounding communities to provide educational programs, social gatherings, and assist those researching our increasing records of area family and historical information.

2024 Board of Directors — as of Jan 1, 2024

Tim D’Amico      Wendy Appleton
Jim Davock    Lorraine Gross
Marnie Leasure    Kim Madarasz
Dave Ormsby    Chase Palmer
Dave Smith    Russell Stephan
Melody Tinsman    Amy Woodford

Key Documents


Board page (password protected)